I know that this post will go largely unnoticed, especially since whatever limited readership this blog carried disappeared once I stopped posting regularly. However, once my busy schedule lets up a bit, I will finish putting together what will be the most mind-blowing (both in size and content) pieces I have ever put on the internet. It will attempt to update everyone on some very important aspects of my life that I have kept quite private until recently. For now, I leave you with this meager update:
This semester has proven incredibly taxing. My workload is double that of last year, and I spend the majority of my time sloughing through Latin translations and short papers on the American Gothic as a literary form. Yet I have still managed to enjoy this semester more than almost any before it. I maintain an active schedule, serving in leadership positions in two organizations on campus, InterVarsity and InterFaith (not related, despite the shared "Inter" prefix.) Through my involvement with them, I have made many new and wonderful friendships. My Fighting Illini are actually playing some football this year, which has made going to games a lot more enjoyable. I have devoted more time to writing this year than last, despite my full schedule, and have also spent a lot more time reading for pleasure and intellectual enrichment (isn't that what school is supposed to do?) which has played a significant part in reclaiming my writing.
And, perhaps best of all, I turn 21 in less than two weeks.